Thursday, January 5, 2012

These monthly photo shoots are a hoot. I wish I had video. Between trying to get an infant to smile and look at the camera, Tiki running back and forth and Lucy trying to steal the show, it is a circus act. Good thing I have Jeremy to help with the juggling. It is also crazy how each one of these pictures are different from the other. I couldn't choose, so here they all are.

Look closely at this one. What do you see?

Here she is watching Tiki or Lucy.

Here hands are becoming SO busy.

Pretty Girl!

Lucy asks to take one of her too. So here she is!

Lucy is such a helpful big sister. I love their age difference.

Charley started sitting in her chair this month.

She has tried avocado.

And Beenana (that is how we say it at our house).

Stats: 27 inches long and a whoppin 18lbs 2oz.

86 percentile in weight, 94 for length, and 84 in head size for her age.

Sleep: Charley goes to bed at 8, has a dream feed between 10-11 and wakes up around 7.

Eat: Charley has been eating cereal. She has tried beenana, avacado and sweet potato.

She general has a 6 oz bottle every four hours. I am not using any jar food this time. I plan on cooking all of her food.

Milestones: Charley has experienced the most noticeable growth this month. She is sitting up. She loves playing with toys. She is sitting in the cart while shopping and in a high chair at restaurants. She seems like a part of the family. We all sit at the dinner table together. It is fun!

Oh...and I can't forget. Two more teeth. Four total. Two on bottom. One on each side on the top.

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