Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8 months

Daddy found her like this one day after nap.

Fun times snuggling in the morning. Can't wait to do this every morning soon. Spring Break is just around the corner.

Breakfast at First Watch

She had just woke up from a nap and Lucy and I headed out to shop one evening. Daddy texted this picture. She just couldn't stay awake. She was pooped.

So yeah I had some pictures with the 8 month sticker but somehow they were magically erased from my phone. Hmmm...I wonder who did that? Oh well, Charley saw me stick the 8 month sticker on her belly and after that she couldn't leave alone. It was a slobbery, wrinkled mess.

Oh this sweet baby...I can't get enough of her. She is such a happy little thing as long as she has plenty of food, bottles and Lucy isn't grabbing something out of her hands.

She has eight teeth total. She is enjoying all her pureed homemade baby food but is doing just awesome with picking up things like cheese, banana, peas, bread, cherrios, and puffs. I plan on introducing yogurt this weekend. She continues to experiment with the sippy cup.

She scoots around all over the place. Not yet crawling but moves from belly to bottom and pulls up occasionally. Daddy moved her grib mattress down a couple of weeks ago.

She is babbling and says Da-Da. She makes all kinds of cute noises. She blows and even clucks her tongue. She is working really hard on waving. And did you see her smile above? She just started that silly smile.

I decided the other day to go down stairs and go through the 12 month clothes. Yep, they fit!

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