Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where have we been?

Hmmm....well school is back in session and our lives are back in full motion. First I would like to reflect on our summer. I have to say it was one of my most favorite summers ever as a teacher and mother. I really enjoyed the time Lucy and I spent together doing things we love. Vacation was wonderful, our many playdates with friends and neighbors and lunch dates shopping with my mom and sisters are to name a few. Most of all it was just nice to be at home and share each day endulging in some mother daughter time with Lu. There were quite a few days that we just spent around the house.

As far as the start to a new school year, things have started out great! I am enjoying my new class. I am teaching full day kindergarten this year! I have changed and added new things to my classroom and am excited and feeling fresh. I have finally started my graduate studies and attend class on Monday nights.

Lucy is enjoying her time at Monaka's. Monaka's house is always full of energy and excitement. There is never a dull moment. I feel comfortable each day as I am waving goodbye to her from the car.

Jeremy is keeping busy with work and enjoying softball. He is happy that the summer heat is on its way out. Wow, what a hot summer! And of course football season is also exciting for him.

So excited for fall and all of the fun festivities. See you soon!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Lucy is getting so big now. Tim's
little boy Tyler just turned two